

Many people have had the same experience when it comes to nutrition.

You commit to a new diet with high expectations. At first, it goes well. You see progress every day in the mirror. You feel pride when your clothes begin to fit you comfortably. You have every reason to be proud of your commitment. In many cases, however, diets do not last. Food temptation is everywhere, and your own body can actually work against your goals. This makes it harder to stick to a strict diet over the long run.

Because diets are hard to maintain, it might be easier to start with how we think, feel and relate to food.

In the nutrition section we will touch on specific practices that you can implement to have a relationship with eating that will withstand the test of time. Adopting certain outlooks and understanding the science behind cravings and weight gain will give you all the information you need to make good decisions that will last a lifetime!