Talk to a Doctor

Did you know there are both oral & injectable prescription treatment options that, when combined with diet and exercise can help you manage your weight?
Talk to your doctor about your treatment options.

Weight Management

Why managing your weight is important

There are options that can help you lose weight, prevent weight gain, and improve your overall health and well-being. Even small amounts of weight loss can significantly improve your energy and reduce health complications and long-term health consequences.

Talk to your doctor

Why talking to your doctor is important

Talking to your doctor can be hard, especially if you don’t like talking about your weight in general. But starting an open and honest line of communication with your doctor can lead to a successful journey to weight loss.

Take the Health Assessment
and share it with your doctor

  1. Current: Question 1
  2. Question 2
  3. Question 3
  4. Question 4
  5. Question 5
  6. Question 6
  7. Question 7
  8. Question 8
Question 1 of 8
Losing weight and keeping it off is a challenge.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 2 of 8
I have other health issues related to my weight.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 3 of 8
I experience cravings for foods high in sugar, fat, or salt several times per week.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 4 of 8
I eat or snack even when I’m not hungry.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 5 of 8
I eat when I am sad, bored, depressed, angry or happy.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 6 of 8
My weight affects my self-esteem and emotional wellness.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 7 of 8
My weight prevents me from participating in certain daily activities or tasks.

To continue to the next question, please select true or false.

Question 8 of 8
I would like to learn about treatment options to support my weight management.

To continue, please select true or false.

Create my doctor discussion guide

Use your personalized guide to discuss your Health Assessment results at your next doctor’s appointment.

Your Health Assessment Results

Bring these results to your next doctor’s appointment to start a conversation about your weight management history.
